4 Ways to Improve Communication at The Workplace

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4 Ways To Improve Communication At Your Workplace 

Effective communication is a key tool for driving employee commitment. While research has shown effective communication to make work easier, it isn’t one of the easiest things to accomplish in today’s diverse and dispersed workplace. However, some other benefits of achieving this include boosting engagement, building trust among employees, and driving performance and productivity. Here are four proven ways you can improve communication at your workplace. 

Create a communication-friendly culture 

It is one thing to provide your team with the necessary communication tools and another to create an enabling environment where they can share their feelings and ideas and discuss challenging topics. Businesses with open and transparent communication cultures reap the benefits of keeping their employees happy and satisfied. It’s no surprise that Elon Musk encourages his staff to communicate with everyone, including their bosses. Define how your staff communicates among themselves and the ways managers communicate with their teams. Additionally, always keep your employees in the loop on recent happenings inside the organization. 

Consider communication tools for employees

Several tools can make communication effective among your staff, including your frontline and non-desk staff. These tools make information easily accessible and personalized to fit your company’s brand. This way, you can tailor your communication to enable you to gather feedback quickly. For example, modern mobile phones may be suitable for office settings, and other tools like Motorola mobile radios can facilitate communication in various environments and workplaces. 

Understand the various communication styles 

Research suggests four basic communication styles, which are aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. And since everybody does not communicate the same way, it is vital to determine the various communication styles of your team members and why they use them. However, the best approach is to appreciate each circumstance and ensure that each individual correctly understands your message. Never expect somebody to adapt their communication approach if they don’t understand you. Accept responsibility for tailoring your message and approach to ensure you are heard and well understood. The assertive communication style has shown to be effective for communicating with staff; however, ensure to maintain eye contact, take responsibility by using “I,” voice your expectations confidently and learn to say No when communicating with your staff. 

Always ask for feedback

Communication is more effective when it isn’t one-way, so make room for your staff to voice their thoughts and ideas. It would even be better if it were possible for staff to anonymously respond and share feedback since it can be challenging for them to be critical of their superiors. Research has shown constructive feedback essential for boosting employee morale, learning more about individuals’ behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses, and how they affect others. As a leader, ensure to offer positive feedback when it is due. Being in a top position also means confronting undesirable behaviors and providing harsh criticism. 

Everyone appreciates why effective workplace communication is vital for business. And both employees and managers must prioritize improving communication. The tips mentioned above are a few ways to build a workplace where everyone feels heard and connected.

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