How to Build a Business that Will Stand the Test of Time

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Many enterprises burst onto the scene with innovative solutions to today’s problems. Tech companies, in particular, have highlighted the importance of keeping up with the times and being the first organization to get a new product on the market. 

However, a successful business doesn’t only thrive in times of economic boom. In fact, the most successful businesses are those who can overcome economic uncertainty and stand the test of time. If you’re eager for your own business to survive the economic impact of COVID-19, take a look at these three game-changing tips that could help you to futureproof your enterprise…

Update contingency plans

If you’re well-prepared, you’ll already have a contingency plan in place for your business. While the widespread impact of coronavirus may have been impossible to predict, having comprehensive contingency plans in place will give you a starting point for maintaining your operations. 

To ensure continued success, however, it’s important to revise your contingency plans on a regular basis. Sticking to them too rigidly means you won’t be adapting to changing economic environments, which will leave your firm at risk. 

As a business owner, making major decisions can always be daunting. Taking decisive action during such trying times can be particularly overwhelming but inaction can be catastrophic. Instead, take the time to research all the options that are available to you and use your creativity to explore how your business can continue to thrive. 

Consider your market

As consumer behavior evolves and new tech emerges, outdated companies, products and services will gradually fade away. Indeed, entire industries are at risk if they fail to move with the times. There are, however, some industries that will always be needed. The medical sector, food and drink production and transport are just three examples of so-called ‘recession-proof’ industries. 

If you incorporate these markets into your business plan, you can ensure that your company will have an active revenue stream, regardless of economic peaks and troughs. By switching production line components to sanitary valves, pharmaceutical-grade tubing, and sanitary pipe, for example, you can serve a wide range of recession-proof markets. In doing so, you’ll have diversified your operations and secured ongoing revenue to keep your business profitable. 

Explore funding options

Most businesses require external funding at some time or another. Even entrepreneurs who launch an enterprise on a shoestring budget may actively seek out financing to grow their business. With a variety of options available, innovative funding options could give your business the edge and enable it to stand the test of time. 

With angel investors and mentors, for example, you’ll gain access to a wealth of expertise, as well as financial support. Although you’ll need to give up equity in your firm, the expertise you’ll gain could be worth far more than the injection of cash you’ll also receive. 

Prepare Your Business for the Future

The outbreak of COVID-19 highlights the importance of having actionable contingency plans in place, but successful businesses must remain vigilant to economic and societal changes that will impact their market. By doing so, you can ensure your business adapts, thrives and stands the test of time. 

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