Small Business Stress? Here Are Three Tips to Manage

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As a small business owner, being under a bit of stress now and then is to be expected. But, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses all over the globe are having to reassess, readjust, and figure out if they will even be able to continue. 

While your business can, indeed, bounce back after the pandemic, it’s important to be able to manage your stress levels during this time. Allowing yourself to get overwhelmed with stress can have negative effects on both your physical and mental health. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 83% of people suffer from workplace stress. Don’t let yourself fall into that trap. 

That might sound easier said than done. But, with a few stress management tips in place, you can combat stress from your business on a daily basis and work toward getting things back to where they should be, so you can find fulfillment and success by following your passion. 

With that in mind, let’s look at three stress management tips you can use when your small business starts to feel overwhelming. 

1. Think About What’s Going Right

It’s far too easy to think about the walls crashing around you. That’s especially true during uncertain times. But, try to shift your attention to the things in your business that are going right. 

Maybe you didn’t have to shut down entirely due to COVID-19. Maybe you were able to help some people, or keep employees on board. Maybe your area is reopening soon and you can get back to work and start seeing customers again. 

While you don’t need to ignore your concerns or any of the ‘bad’ things that may be happening, focusing on the good once in a while can shift your perspective and lower your stress. 

2. Stay Organized

When your business is unorganized, it can be an instant stress trigger. Maybe you were struggling with the organization even before the effects of the pandemic. Now is the perfect time to restructure and reorganize in order to keep things running more efficiently. 

Try a service like Filecenter to keep your documents neatly stored online for easy access. Use in-house task tools like Asana or Trello to keep your staff in the know about what’s going on. Keep your own personal desk space clean. 

Clutter and disorganization can make your mind feel as though it’s going a million miles a minute. By keeping things running smoothly, you’ll have less to stress over. 

3. Take Breaks

When you’re trying to run a business, it’s tempting to hit the ground running every day and give every ounce of energy and time you have. While it’s important to follow your passion and work hard every single day, you’re not going to be able to accomplish your goals when you burn yourself out. 

It’s incredibly important for your physical and mental health to take frequent breaks throughout the day. Even stepping away to take a 10-minute walk or to meditate at your desk for five minutes can make a big difference. 

There’s no doubt that small business owners across the globe are facing serious challenges right now. But, by fighting back against stress, you can keep your focus where it needs to be, and help your business to get back on its feet and continue to grow. 

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