Time to Slow Down for the Summer and Stay Focused.

Nesting - Michelle Morton - Mompreneur + entrepreneur + Digital Marketing

Today I’ve made a conscious decision!

The decision to slow down… to truly kick off my nesting and prepare for the next addition to our family, Little Miss Morton, Numero Dos. 😀

So what does this mean for you? My family? Myself?




This is the FINAL CALL for any new projects for the next 12 weeks. If you would like to kick off a project with me to launch a digital marketing campaign, execute your lead generation and marketing automation or build your digital brand, you have until July 7th, 2017 to kick off this project.

The goal is to spend this time focused on growing and managing current clients, projects and commitments. I will still conduct strategic consulting calls for established relationships as well.

To schedule some time before July 7th to kick off a new project, book me here:



For our Savvy Entrepreneur community, those who downloaded the Convert2Customers Checklist, and anyone going through the Convert2Customers Mini Course, we will continue on our success path to building, growing and managing our businesses. The Private Facebook Community will continue to be a focus. Resources and collaboration opportunities will keep coming your way!

If you have not joined us yet, do so here: www.SavvyEntrepreneur.co

Download the Convert2Customers Checklist here: www.Convert2CustomersChecklist.com

Get on the waitlist for the Convert2Customers Signature Course here:

Download Your Checklist for Convert2Customers



The most exciting part is that I will spend A LOT of time over the next 12 weeks focused on my family and myself. I can hear all the people who know me very well… lol… saying “yeah right”…. “we know you better than that”. LOL

The truth is that I have spent the majority of my life as a workaholic. That is because I am truly blessed to LOVE what I do. I love building and growing brands.

What I realize as I mature, is that my #1 reason for pursuing entrepreneurship and escaping the ‘rat race’ is to have time to focus on the things I value the most:

#1 My Faith
#2 My Family

Over the next 6-8 weeks, I will spend time preparing for our new bundle of joy and enjoying the last moments with my daughter as an only child. I will cook amazing meals for my hubby, because that is TRULY the way to his heart. ❤️ I will make time for myself… manicures, pedicures, walks in the park and spend time with my family and friends. This is my vow.


SO, with that said, you will not miss me… because I will still be here supporting you, learning with you and growing with you. BUT the difference, is that I will also take time to focus and be attentive to the people and things that drive me.

Do not hesitate to reach me at anytime! I am always here traveling the journey along your side.


Michelle Morton



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