Upgrade Your Content, For Products, Services And Blogs

Once upon a time the central thought that ran through a majority of marketing houses was, customers don’t have time to read, so just give them as many visuals as you can. With the advent of amazing new smartphones, visuals are kind of ‘same old same’. You’ve seen just about every video type, you’ve heard many interviews and you’re not always interested in purely watching a video to gain knowledge about a company and its products. In other words, customers want to sit back and read about you on their commute into work. Over 50% of the world’s searches are being done by smartphone users. This means that over half of the world that’s connected to the internet, is on a small device instead of a computer. This throws up a conundrum. Watching videos on network data costs money and battery. So how else can you get to know a company? Through content!

Tell me more, tell me more!

Consumers have drastically changed the way they buy. It’s no longer good enough to list the ingredients of a product and then write the name and price beside it. People want to know where the ingredients came from, why did you choose them, how did you implement them? Take for example a bottle of cologne. Customers want to know where the citrus notes came from. Was it a Mediterranean citrus, was a North African citrus, was it a South American citrus? Explain how this particular citrus reacts to the other notes and tones, what the intention of the fragrance is. This means, implementing a Nathan Gotch system of SEO, creating fantastic content for our product and category pages. Writing amazing descriptions and blogging about the production of your products would entice customers in like a moth to a flame.

Give some examples

Regarding services, it’s all good and well to show your customers what kind of services you offer, but written detail of the process, implementation examples and future improvements will be far more effective. Infographics, videos and images are great. They are indeed, quite necessary in this day and age. However, never underestimate the importance of having great written details of what your services offer to customers. For example, you offer a task management software. Go into detail about the technical design. Explain the kind of platforms the software can be integrated into, the various embeds that can be utilized, the solutions, programs and file types which can be hosted inside your software. 

A running commentary

With the ways things are and going, you’ll need to start treating your blog a little better. Customers like to read about what’s going on inside a CEO’s head. More and more entrepreneurs are entering the world and they want to read and take notes from successful companies. Thus, writing more content for your business blog is really going to win you some loyal fans. Writing two posts a week, such as what you plan on doing for the week from Monday and how well you did on Friday is a good way to begin.

Of all the parts of the business that need an upgrade, your content is by far the top priority regarding marketing. Start off by writing captivating product descriptions, go ahead and ‘bore’ your customers with the details.

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