4 Ways to Expand Your Branding and Marketing Efforts

4 Ways to Expand Your Branding and Marketing Efforts

Marketing is an essential part of every business. However, conventional marketing strategies are often tired and overdone. With more startups than ever before reading from the same playbooks, prospective clients are likely to have seen it all. While calls to action are still relevant, it pays to think of ways to stand out from the crowd. Here are a few ways to expand your branding and marketing efforts so that you actually stand out from the competition.

Use Snail-mail

This is a marketing trick that perhaps doesn’t get the respect it deserves. In the digital age where communication is primarily electronic, one way of differentiating yourself is to send an actual letter, rather than a cold email. Of course, this takes a bit more work than sending an email. You’ll need to buy stationary and stamps, research the right contact person, and be very attentive to the phrasing of your letter. Some businesses even put a complimentary pen in the envelope to make it a bit bulkier and more tempting to open.

This strategy is subject to the same general rule that applies to cold emailing. You’ll almost certainly have to reach out to many people in order to win a few leads. Nonetheless, a well-presented letter with a handwritten envelope is likely to be more memorable than another email in the junk folder.

Branded Promotional Items

When people attend networking events or meetings, they traditionally give out their business cards. Unfortunately, business cards are forgettable, and can easily be misplaced. On the other hand, if you give out useful branded trinkets that people will actually use, you have a better chance of being remembered.

For example, if you hand out attractive custom car air fresheners, then your prospects will be reminded of you every time they get into their car. Or every time they look at their fridge, in the case of a branded fridge magnet.

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Genuine Authenticity

Manufactured “authenticity” as a branding strategy is pretty common. It relies on a strategically crafted sales copy with a posed headshot. It’s a constant complaint among the public in general that companies seem fake, engineered, and plastic. Genuine authenticity, however, seems pretty rare in today’s business.  One of the most potent ways to make a positive impression on your prospects is to focus on genuine authenticity in your dealings.

Sponsor Local Events

Unless your company is already a global phenomenon, you’ll have a certain local community in the area where you live or operate. Participating in that local community and sponsoring events can make a memorable impression on the public at large. By doing this, you will firstly be contributing something useful and uplifting to the people who you hope to use your services. Furthermore, you will also be emphasizing a degree of relatability and “skin in the game” that many of your competitors will likely be lacking.



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