5 Things That Are Holding Your Business Back

5 Things That Are Holding Your Business Back

When we start a business we often naively assume that it will grow quickly and start making money straight away. We start blogs and believe that people will want to read what we’ve written. Then we’re disappointed when no one does, even though we’ve committed almost no time to SEO, promotion or growing our audience. We open shops and assume that the crowds will come flocking, even though we haven’t given them a reason to. We’re impatient and eager for success. We might also be woefully unprepared for how much work it’s actually going to take to get there.

Over time though, it becomes clear that you need to work hard and commit yourself to constant learning if you want to grow, and you start to put the hours in. But, you might still be doing something (or not doing something) that’s holding your business back. Let’s take a look at some of the most likely culprits.

A Lack of Assessment

You’re working hard, and nothing is working for you. But, have you thought about why? Just doing the same thing, and expecting the results to be different is a mistake, but one that most of us make at some point.

Instead, take the time to look at what’s working and what isn’t. To assess your strengths and failures and to think about what needs changing. You should also take the time to evaluate what other people are doing. Look at your competition and other local businesses. How are they doing? Looking back, and outside your own company, is often the key to moving forward.

Failing to Develop Employees

There are usually three reasons that small businesses fail to develop their employees. A lack of time, a failure to trust, and a worry that if your team members get too good, they’ll start looking for bigger opportunities elsewhere.

But, if you want to move forward and grow, you need a strong team by your side. Make time for staff training and development. Trust your team with more responsibility and instead of worrying that they will leave, make the most of them while they are yours.

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Not Utilizing Technology

Whether your business is based online or out in the real world, you probably use technology, the internet, apps, and devices every day. But, are you getting the most out of it? Many small businesses are scared of technology. They worry about making mistakes and causing damage to their company, or, they just don’t know what is available for them. Get IT help at https://www.pstsonline.com/solutions/stress-free-it/ to help you to make the most of everything that technology has to offer.


Doing too much could be holding your business back. Working too hard, putting in too many hours and stressing yourself out can mean that your work isn’t it’s best. You can struggle to manage your time and work productively, and you might even suffer from a creative block because you are burned out. Take a break, look after yourself and you’ll have more success. Read more about avoiding burnout at https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/avoiding-burnout.htm.

A Poor Marketing Plan

The best product or service means nothing if no one knows about it. A well thought out and managed marketing plan, with plenty of assessment can help you to get noticed.




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