Signs It’s Time To Outsource Your Marketing

Signs It's Time To Outsource Your Marketing

Many businesses try to keep all of their work internal. They hire new members of staff to fill important roles, rather than distributing tasks to external individuals and groups. This approach does have its benefits, as it allows business owners to keep tighter control over the company’s processes, and, in some cases, can even cut costs. That being said, internalizing all of the work doesn’t always pay off. Dealing with your marketing strategy internally, for example, could be a mistake. With that in mind, here are ten signs it’s time to outsource your marketing efforts.

Marketing Just Isn’t Done

Marketing very rarely gets the attention that it needs, and, in fact, is usually the first cost on the chopping block when times get tight. That being said, it is one of, if not the most vital responsibility of business ownership. After all, without marketing, no one would know that your company even existed, which means that it wouldn’t do for long. If you’re not doing any marketing at all, whether it be due to lack of time or otherwise, a marketing agency could help you out.

Limited To Certain Channels

Many businesses find themselves using the same marketing over again, with old-school industries often opting for printed advertisements, and newer startups using online strategies. While these specific channels may be the best use of your resources, that doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t also benefit from branching out. Professional firms have much more marketing experience than you do, and as such, would be able to direct you to new ideas and tactics.

Staff Are Run Ragged

It’s not uncommon for businesses to have very small marketing departments, especially when the company itself is on the smaller side too. However, when you have only a few employees juggling every form of marketing, it’s going to get overwhelming now and then. Rather than hire another member of staff to reduce the workload, you should enlist the help of professionals for certain tasks. Their services are usually much cheaper, and you’ll save yourself some time too.

The Results Are Disappointing

The purpose of marketing is to attract business and generate profit. If your strategy fails to do this, then you may not be doing enough marketing or could be doing it wrong. When you’re trying to market a “taboo” business, like an addiction rehab center, then it could easily be both. A specialist outsourced marketing agency, like The Drug Rehab Agency, can be a major benefit in these cases. They will customize an approach for you so that you see the best results possible.

Too Much Business Growth

Sometimes lack of growth isn’t an issue, and it’s actually the opposite causing the problems. If your business is growing rapidly, then your focus is going to shift. Rather than spending so much time on marketing, you’ll need to turn your attention to accommodate the new demand. To ensure you keep up momentum, you should outsource all or parts of your marketing strategy.

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Short On Talented Writers

Writing is a basic, yet crucial aspect of creating any sort of marketing content. From brochures and blog posts to emails and websites, you need talented writers at the heart of all of your marketing operations. If you don’t have this vital talent, then your message may fall flat, wasting time and money, and potentially damaging your reputation. Outsourcing writing tasks to expert agencies and freelancers would be ideal, but, at the very least, you should invest in an editor.

Out Of Content Ideas

Having a team of competent writers is useless if they have nothing to write about. Unfortunately, a common complaint from small business owners is that they can’t think of or find any great content ideas. If you need to spend hours each week looking for topics for your blog, then there’s a very good chance that you’re posting about the wrong things. Rather than struggle alone, you should get help from a content writer, blogger, marketing consultant, or another expert instead.

Lack Of Website Maintenance

Outdated websites can massively hold back a brand. If you find that it’s been months since you last touched your company site, then something needs to change. Websites should be a constant work in progress, regularly evolving to become more attractive, entertaining, interesting, accurate, and, above all, secure. Though your IT department can help you in a number of ways, web design and maintenance is rarely their responsibility, and should instead be outsourced.

Strategies Are Thrown Together

Good, effective marketing requires time and proper attention, which are two things busy entrepreneurs rarely have to offer. In an ideal world, you would have a brainstorming session at the start of every campaign, then go on to complete thorough market research before you even begin planning your strategy. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible for most business owners. When you hire a marketing agency, however, they will be able to invest the effort your campaign needs.

Changes In The Business

When there’s a significant change in your business, you need strategic marketing to stay afloat and maintain relationships with your existing customers, as well as attract attention from new prospects. From adding new products to moving offices, this marketing is necessary to communicate any changes, as well as affirm what is remaining the same. Navigating this process can be tricky and complicated, which is why it’s best to have the support of an expert.

After spending so long working to build up your business, letting go of the reins can be tough, especially when doing so to a third-party. However, the benefits of outsourcing are undeniable. When you distribute work to an external group or individual, it takes the pressure off your team, improving morale and productivity within your business. You’re also given expert support, often for a fraction of what you would have paid hiring a permanent employee. If you notice any of the signs above, it may be time to start outsourcing your marketing.




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