The Escape Room – Team Building Exercises For Small Business Owners

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The focus on teamwork has been a staple in business for generations. Today, business owners are looking for unique and proven team building exercises they can implement in their own companies. The old concept of a weekend retreat is quickly being replaced with the escape room approach, which appears to offer its own benefits.

The premise of an escape room is that you are trapped in a room for one hour and you have one figure out how to escape. The game will usually include a scenario such as a crime, infectious disease or something of the same ilk. Your team will have to work together to escape the scenario you are faced with. Here’s how it can be great for your next team building exercise.

A Common Goal

The beauty of an escape room is that you will likely have a common goal the moment you enter the room. Your purpose is to work together to solve the riddles and the puzzles in order to escape as a team. If you have noticed some issues with teamwork in the office, this is the perfect setting to make everyone work towards the same goal.

You Can Assess People’s Strengths

As soon as you are put into a scenario where everyone is in close proximity, you will be able to see what everyone is like under pressure. Assessing your team members will show the dynamic of how your team really works. Who will step forward as the leader? Who will help mediate conflicts within the team? Will someone stand out as the true problem-solver? It is a chance to learn more about the people who work for you.

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Everyone Is In The Same Mindset

Being in the same place and having one common aim is a great way to bond. An escape room exercise is a good way to determine whether or not your team is communicating and getting along. You will also be able to bring everyone together for this task.

Identify Disruption

There will always be one or two people who you feel are distracting in the office during working hours. Bringing everyone into a different setting will allow you to see whether or not they disrupt your ability to work as a team and achieve your goal. If they don’t seem interested in helping the team escape from the room, this could reflect their attitude in the workplace. You may want to consider watching them more closely in the future.

Working as a team in a fun activity like this is a wonderful way to bond outside the office. It is also a great way to relieve stress from a long work week. You will get the chance to get to know the people behind your employees and you will often discover new skills that everyone can use in the workplace.

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