3 Tips On Providing Adequate Employee Parking

As an entrepreneur, you must continuously think about how to enhance your office space. Professional working conditions help to increase employee morale and productivity. However, how often do you address the issue of adequate employee parking? It’s no use getting your office right if your employees enter a parking war every morning. If they have to park three blocks away and walk, it won’t make a bit of difference how good your color scheme is. Parking affects an employee’s mood just as much as comfortable workplace conditions. Below are three tips you may want to consider.


In your role, you’re probably used to providing for colleagues. You provide the wages which fuel their lifestyles. You also provide their desks and computers. These are given in any successful work environment. And now, you need to provide their parking spaces. In some instances, that’ll mean applying for designated on-road parking. This would mean paying for annual licenses and could be your best bet if you have a small team or limited space. If you have the room for it, it might also mean contacting a company like R&M Concrete, who can help you to create a private car park. This would be ideal for a larger workforce and could save you money in the long-run.

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Planning is something you probably know a little bit about. You certainly don’t get to this stage in business without it. And, you’d do well to apply that know-how to your parking problem. It would be a mistake to assume you can leave employees to choose their parking spaces. That’s sure to cause in-team bickering and inequality. What’s more, there’s still the risk of some team members being unable to park this way. Instead, designate set parking spaces to avoid the issue. If this still causes bickering, rotate the spaces quarterly. Either way, make sure everyone knows exactly where they’re parking.


Of course, no plan is perfect from the start, and this is no different. As well as designated parking spaces, you need to be willing to tweak that plan to make it perfect. This will mean different things to everyone. It may be that you notice one colleague has difficulty walking long distances. In that case, make sure they have a space close to the building. It may also mean that you still notice bickering, and have to shuffle a few people to please everyone. Either way, you need to make sure you alter the plan until everyone’s happy. Only then can you put parking to bed.

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