5 Things To Consider Before Launching Your First Webinar

5 Things To Consider Before Launching Your First Webinar FEATURED

Are you thinking about launching your first webinar series? Webinars are a great tool that can boost your marketing and sales efforts if done correctly. As long as you have plenty of knowledge and experience on the subject you are going to talk about, you should be able to create a brilliant webinar that is both informative and enjoyable for your audience. If you are new to webinars, the questions and answers below may help you formulate a solid plan.

Do I Need Any Specialist Tools?

Business owners who are not knowledgeable about technology falsely believe they need special equipment to launch a webinar. Thankfully, that isn’t the case. If you really struggle with technology, it’s worth going to a firm, such as www.dyrand.com, who can help you with the IT and tech side of things. They can answer all your tech-related questions and advise you on the best devices and software.

Do I Need To Measure Metrics?

Many people wonder about measuring their webinar metrics. Some individuals choose to ignore them, as they would rather focus on the whole marketing and sales campaign set up around the video series. However, even if you are focused on these strategies, it is still always good to keep an eye on the video’s metrics. That’s because they can show you patterns, such as which topics or subjects are the most popular.

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How Long Should My Webinar Be?

This is probably the most asked question regarding webinars. Just how long should they be? If you take a look at the ones available at www.brighttalk.com, you can see that the majority are between thirty and seventy-five minutes. There is quite a bit of leeway when it comes to your video’s length. But, it’s always a good idea to remember that people have relatively short attention spans, so you don’t want to make your videos too long.

Should It Be Free?

Some entrepreneurs spend quite a while debating whether they should charge something for their webinars. At the end of the day, the answer to this is entirely up to you. If you want to make money directly from your webinars, then it won’t hurt to charge people a small download fee. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that most people make money indirectly through their webinars, such as by using them for marketing or as a sales pitch. So, don’t feel compelled to charge people for them.

What Style Should It Be Given In?

The style of the webinar is completely up to you. Some subjects will lend themselves more to a casual style while others will be better suited to something more formal, such as a lecture.

5 Things To Consider Before Launching Your First Webinar PINTEREST

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