Achieving Success Involves Planning For Failure

Achieving Success Involves Planning For Failure

We all know that business has its ups and downs. One minute everything is firing on all cylinders, and you’re achieving your goals. However, the next minute, the worst might happen. Around half of all businesses fail within their first five years. Planning for failure is crucial to the success and longevity of your business.

There could be many reasons for this. A downturn in the economy, changes in political regulations surrounding certain types of businesses, fuel cost rises affecting production and shipping costs, shifts in consumer tastes, competitor activity, changes in technology or even an act of God.

Planning for the worst

With that in mind, it’s always a good idea to plan for the worst. At you can do just that. If you’re a company that relies heavily on a customer database, you need to be certain that your customer’s information is kept safe; this is not only vital for the peace of mind of those who have placed their trust in you; its essential for your ability to continue to trade and your ongoing success.

Data can be lost in many ways, from a security breach to severe weather or fire. Having a secure backup of all of your information is key. Using technology and resources that allow you to stay online and connected to your customers, whatever the situation, is worth investing in.

Bricks and Mortar

If your company is developing, buying or leasing new property; you always want the best. If you’re making a big, long-term investment, you need everything to last as long as possible. If your business is moving to an unfamiliar location; do your research. Find out about the natural risks in the area and the crime rates. Be sure you know about any long term developments nearby that will change anything relating to your business. Large infrastructure projects may benefit the local economy, but it doesn’t mean it won’t cause your business headaches.

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Future Proofing

Nobody can know everything that is going to happen in the future, but you can definitely prepare for every eventuality that you can conceive of. Your company might have a winning product or service today, but next year another company may attract your customers away from you with a better offer. There might be developments within other companies working in your field that happen so quickly, you will be left stuck in the past. You cannot rest on your laurels.

Diversify early- make sure that your entire income is not dependent on one product. At least that way, you have a strong percentage of your income to fall back on.

Develop new ideas. You might have one or two products working well for you right now. However, if you invest in research and development you could be the change in your area of industry that takes the customers from its competitors!

Don’t assume that anything that has worked for you in the past will work for you in the future. What customers needed last year might be very different next year. Keep your eye on everything going on in your business, make sure that you are repeatedly analyzing for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and most importantly; threats!




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