Exposing Your Business During The January Slump

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Whenever the New Year rolls around, a lot of companies experience business downtime. After all, many of your customers are recovering from the Christmas shopping season. In addition, your investors or business contacts may be in the same boat as you are. That makes this entire month a difficult time. Thankfully, there are quite a few techniques that you can implement to make sure this slump doesn’t turn into a disaster for your company. Exposing your business to new opportunities is one of them. Furthermore, new time management techniques and long-term preparation are essential at this time. So let’s examine a few of these techniques below.

Think About What Your Customers Want

As we mentioned above, the customers you would usually have no problem selling to are probably on a bit of a downward slope with their own cash, same as you are. And because of that, they’re not looking to buy, especially with big bucks and in bulk. So you’re going to have to meet them in the middle and think about what they truly want from the market at a time like this. Can you fulfill these wants and needs, and make yourself some good money and a good lasting impression in the process?

Of course, you can’t change your entire business model on the fly, but you can decide to have a sale, and one that lasts for at least a week or two in the month of January. The sales at the beginning of the year are something all customers out there look forward to, and they’re a guaranteed way to bring more and more people into your shop.

The ideas around your January sales tactics don’t have to stop there either, seeing as you could try opening up a loyalty program for anyone who checks out through your tills – it’s a great way to get someone to come back, seeing as they’ve got stamps or buttons to collect to net themselves a free item or a good discount on future products of yours.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Sponsor Yourself

During the January sales slump, you’re going to want to get your name out there with boosted effort, seeing as you’ve got money to make to keep yourself operating in time for February to roll around and save you. So don’t be afraid to use your marketing money here – sponsoring yourself in search engines like Google can do wonders for making sure hundreds of thousands of potential customers are discovering you per day.

And if you don’t have the time, tools, or resources to keep at a pursuit like this long, you can always look to invest in AI for AdWords. After all, the world of online advertising is very much automated nowadays, and an algorithm has a much better chance of setting up an advert in a strategic place with some strategic key phrases than your own legwork may do.

And you don’t have to stop there either –  there’s a lot of different ways to pay for business exposure, such as on social media platforms with ad banners and interactive videos. Have you used any of these tactics before? Which ones worked out best for you?

Give Yourself the Chance to Organize

A last and quick point, but one that has many unforeseen benefits. Organizing is something your company needs to do for the new year, and you’re going to need to make sure you’ve got plenty of space and allocation on your side for bringing in more and more customers with your planned expansion.

So take the time now, during the January slump, to make sure you’ve got a good system to take advantage of: get those papers filed away, organize all your digital assets, make sure your cloud server has enough storage and the right permissions on it.

The January slump doesn’t have to be the tank of your business, so make sure you’re doing all you can in the way of exposure to get your name and brand out there. It’ll pay off well for next year at the very least!



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