Fun Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs That Really Work

Fun Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs That Really Work FEATURED

Marketing should never be dull and boring. In fact, if done right, marketing can be the most enjoyable elements of your business. Keep your competition in mind, and come up with new and exciting ways to reach your target market. Here a couple of fun marketing strategies for entrepreneurs that really work for all niches.

Attend a Business Expo

These days, so much of our business is run online, so it makes sense that our marketing efforts would follow suit. However, it’s important not to overlook the human element of selling products and services. Chatting with potential customers and clients face to face creates relationships. It also gives your potential customers an opportunity to see what you’re selling in person. When they are able to ask questions, they will know how knowledgeable and passionate you are about your brand.

One way you can try this kind of direct method of promotion is by attending a business expo. This is an event that brings hundreds (sometimes thousands) of businesses to one location. Customers walk around different exhibits and business owners chat and demonstrate what they have to offer. The key to getting something like this right is to make it interesting. People will only have time to visit a limited number of booths, so offering things like games and competitions that relate to your business can make it more exciting. Engage with those who visit your stall and get them excited about your business.

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Run an Event/ Fun Day

Another option is to run your own event. You could hire a bouncy castle for the children, and invite food vendors and entertainers. Encourage potential customers and clients to come along with their family. While there, you can chat with them about your business and even hand out promotional items such as pens, key rings, and umbrellas. This is a useful marketing technique as these kinds of items are used daily, reminding them of your business.

Use an API integration in PHP on your website so you can live stream the event. This could encourage people to come down or to attend the next one you run.

Fun Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs That Really Work PINTEREST

Join the Private Facebook Community

Be sure to hop into the Savvy Entrepreneur Private Facebook Community to collaborate, learn and grow with your fellow entrepreneurs and business owners.

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