How To Make Your Delivery Drivers Job Easier

How To Make Your Delivery Drivers Job Easier

Delivery drivers are often a forgotten component when it comes to delivering products. Customer reviews rarely include a thought for the driver of the truck. Delivery drivers work long, hard, and difficult hours, and are given deadlines and schedules that they must match. They are often far away from their families for periods of time and quite frankly, deserve much more recognition for their job. That’s why you should do your best to make your delivery drivers jobs easier so that they can have as much of a fair job as anyone else.

Have Loaders Ready at Pick-up

One of the worst things a delivery driver has to do is lug around multiple different items each day and deliver them to the customer’s door. Why not take a weight off their backs and have loaders ready to restock their lorry? This will give them a chance to take a bit of time to relax and rejuvenate. It will make a massive difference to their mood, motivation, and respect for the customers and business!

Provide Fuel On-site

Having to find a garage that will fit your delivery lorry can be an absolute pain. Make their lives easier by providing fuel on site. It can be easily stored in adblue tanks, and would actually save time for both the business and your drivers. The time you could recover by being able to fill up on site can also be cost-effective.

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Regular Breaks for Safe Driving

One thing that all drivers need, is time to take five or ten minutes out of driving. This is because when you’re driving for long periods of time, it’s easy to feel drowsy and as you know, that’s not safe driving. Insist on your drivers taking regular breaks and documenting them so that you know that they are driving safely. Some delivery drivers aren’t even given time to use the bathroom! Break the stigma!

Provide Refreshments

When you’re on the road all day every day, it’s understandable that you’re going to want a nice refreshing drink to help keep you alert and hydrated. Provide your drivers with a fridge stocked with refreshments to take on their journey. This is another way to ensure safe driving and make your delivery drivers job that little bit easier!



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