How To Making A Great First Impression

A first impression will always count, especially when it comes to business. Regardless of whether the first impression stems from your website, products, or personal interaction with a client, it is never forgotten. People will immediately form an opinion about whether you can be trusted or not. While it is impossible to please everyone, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of making a good start with clients and customers.

Never Be Late

As an entrepreneur, you should never be late for a meeting. It does not matter if that is face to face or a virtual meeting with a prospective client. It shows a lack of respect for the person the meeting is with and gives the impression that their time is unimportant. If being late is unavoidable, let the other person know and keep them informed of the progress you are making to get to the meeting.

Be Well Groomed And Dressed

Being well groomed and dressed is crucial if you want to make a good first impression. You should dress to suit the meeting you are attending. If you are going to a corporate office, for instance, you should dress professionally. In fact, some companies feel so strongly about this that they have a corporate workwear dress code which any employee or boss must wear when they attend a meeting on behalf of the company. The better you look, the more impressive you will be when it matters most!

Smile And Be Happy

Never walk into a meeting looking as though you have lost 10 dollars and found a cent. Looking sad or distracted is not a good start to any business meeting and is something that should always be avoided. Your demeanor will show as soon as you enter the room if you are happy to be there. A big smile, standing up straight and a firm handshake will help as well.

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Look Them In The Eye

Nothing says distrust quicker than looking everywhere else except at the person you are meeting. If you want them to trust you from the start, look them straight in the eye when you are speaking with them, and only look elsewhere if it is relevant to the conversation. Give the person your full and undivided attention so they are aware of how important your meeting with them is.

Turn Off The Tech

Almost the most annoying thing in a meeting is someone’s mobile phone ringing. The most annoying of all though is when they answer it. Some businesses have now banned participants from taking mobiles into meetings because of this, and certainly, at the very least you should turn yours off.

Watch Your Body Language

Watch how you stand when you first get with other people or a meeting. Don’t fold your arms, stand with your hands in your pockets or with them behind your back. All of these things give the impression you would rather not be there and are not really interested in the chatter that is going on.

Whether it is your own business you are representing or are at a meeting as an employee for your boss, you need to get off on the right foot if you want people to trust you and to do business with you in the future.

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