Improving Focus in Your Office

Improving Focus in Your Office

Is your office a bit haphazard? Do you or your staff wander between tasks, never quite giving anything full focus? Are they unable to concentrate on what they need to do? Sometimes, this kind of atmosphere is good. It can be more informal and promote positive relationships. But, it’s not very productive. Your team will make more mistakes and ultimately, your business will suffer.

Increasing focus in your office has many advantages. It means more gets done in less time. In addition, the standard of work is much better. Focus can help you to build a positive reputation and grow the business that you want.

Simplify Systems

If things are complicated, your staff members won’t be able to focus entirely. Their minds will wander, they’ll get lost, not quite sure what to do and they’ll struggle to give their tasks full focus. When things are complicated, the office cannot be productive. Consequently, your team becomes unhappy. Efficiency is key to simplifying your processes. Learn more about efficient workflow for help.

Make Responsibilities Clear

People struggle to focus if they’ve got a huge to-do list and no priorities. They don’t know where to start, or where to spend most of their time. Giving your team members specific responsibilities and being clear about who has to do what can help them to focus and work productively. Staff briefings at the beginning of each shift can increase focus.

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Set Clear Expectations

Your staff might also struggle if they don’t know what you want from them. One of the main reasons that employees disappoint is that they didn’t know what was expected of them in the first place. Hold regular one on one appraisals, let your employees ask questions and make sure they always know exactly what you are expecting from them. They’ll have more focus and be less likely to let you down.

Encourage Regular Breaks

Most of us can only give a task our full focus for a relatively short amount of time. After this, our minds start to wonder, we procrastinate, and our work suffers. Don’t just have one long lunch break. Break the day up with regular short breaks to chat, get a drink and check social media. This can increase focus massively.

Mix Things Up

Routines are great. They help us to stay on track and mean that everyone knows what they are going. But, too much routine can also mean that we take things for granted, we get set in our ways, and we start to think that we don’t need to work as hard. Mix things up in your office by changing people’s responsibilities and giving them new challenges. Keep people on their toes.

Keep it Comfortable

It’s hard to focus when we’re uncomfortable. If things are too hot or too cold, our chairs are painful, and we’ve got backache from poor positioning, it can be hard to concentrate. Ask your team what you can do to make them more comfortable, and make changes when you need to.




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