The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Building Trust With Customers

How do you get your customers to come back to you time and time again? There’s no magic bullet answer. All entrepreneurs know that establishing and building trust with customers is essential. Of course, trust is a fickle thing. It can be difficult to win and easy to break if you are not careful.  Below are ways to build trust with your customers and make them feel valued.

Do What You Say You’ll Do

Saying you could run 100 meters in nine seconds doesn’t mean a thing. Only actually doing it will impress people. The same applies to business. Telling people how good your company is will peak their interests. However, being able to prove that fact will get them through the door. Don’t overestimate your abilities. Nothing will break trust more quickly than showing that you won’t be able to deliver on what you promised.

Be Reliable

You could promise the world, AND be able to deliver the world, but if you’re hard to reach you’ll have a hard time maintaining your customer’s trust. These include things like not answering the phone when people call or having a website that’s not live. You can get around these issues by hiring a virtual receptionist and working with a company that provides managed IT services. It’s these small matters that show that you’re a reliable company who will be reachable in times of need.

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Solving Problems

You’re going to make mistakes as a company. Every company does! Some people will turn their back on you the second you mess up. However, others will give you an opportunity to fix your mistakes. If there’s an issue with a customer’s order, then don’t sit and quibble or dispute the issue. Own up, apologize, and take immediate steps to make sure they’re satisfied with your service. You wouldn’t trust someone who didn’t own up to a mistake they’d made if it affects you!

No Bad Mouthing Competitors

Yes, you’re in competition with other businesses. But there’s a healthy way to be competitive. Don’t start attacking your “opponents” in the same way that politicians do. Like politicians, it’ll just make you look petty. People trust people who have an element of good sportsmanship and conduct about them!

More Than the Bottom Line

Finally, the number one rule: don’t treat your customers just as a dollar sign! Have a genuine interest in helping them to improve their lives – and the world – in one way or another. If you don’t have this interest, then business might not be for you.

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