The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Creating A Lead Generation System

The Entrepreneur's Guide To Creating A Lead Generation System

Are you are looking to create a lead generation system for your business? If so, do your research. Find the right methods to add people to your pipeline and guide them through the journey of becoming a customer. If you are in the coaching industry, gaining trust from your clients is key. Below are a few tips on how to get started


First, ensure whether or not the system can be automated. You don’t want to waste your time on things that produce little or no results. There are some great sales funnel management systems, such as Clickfunnels and LeadPages, that you can try. However, if you are in a specialist field, you might want to get a custom marketing funnel designed.


Measuring the results of your marketing campaigns, conversions, engagement, and open rates are crucial. You have to create a system that gives you reports that you can easily understand and interpret. These reports can help you make improvements to your digital marketing strategy. There are plenty of things you can do to measure your engagement. In fact, most social media platforms have an advanced reporting system.


It is crucial that you are able to control what is going on with your social media, autoresponder, and your website. You don’t want to target the wrong audience and bark up the wrong tree. Instead, you should create a SEO analysis that tells you what your potential clients are searching for. Furthermore, it can tell you what type of content they react to. If you want to get custom support for a specialist industry, such as health and beauty, you might want to check out the list of plastic surgeon SEO companies to choose the one with the right expertise.


One of the mistakes small and medium-sized business owners make is that they create reach and think in numbers, instead of engagement. You will need to measure not only how many people have been reached through your marketing campaigns, but also how many people reacted to your content, clicked your links, or shared your posts or emails. This will give you an indication of how powerful your marketing messages are.

AB Testing

No matter if you are using email marketing, blogging, SEO, or social media, it is crucial that you engage in AB testing. It is unlikely that you will get the first campaign right, and most people lose money on their digital marketing first if they don’t really measure what is going on. AB testing will allow you to measure the results using different images, headlines, and call to action, so you can finally stop shooting in the dark when it comes to reaching out to your potential customers.

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Your Market

Not all digital marketing solutions are designed to suit every industry and buyer persona. It is crucial that you pay attention to the right people who are the most likely to buy from you. For example, people in pain – psychological or physical – who are in an urgent need are more likely to make a buying decision than those who are just worried about their health in general. That is why you need to craft specific marketing messages that talk directly to your audience and answer the questions they are too afraid to ask.

Qualifying Your Leads

If you want to avoid wasting your time and energy, it is crucial that you are able to qualify your leads at an early stage of your lead generation system. You have to choose your potential customers carefully, and make sure that you can work together and succeed in your collaboration.  You don’t want anyone who is not serious enough about making a change if you are thinking about launching a consultancy, or those who don’t have enough self-discipline to stick to a diet and lose weight.

Speaking Their Language

If you want to create meaningful connections with your potential customers, you will need to learn to speak their language and tune into their mood, values, and thoughts. Join online communities that allow you to find out more about your ideal customer, and make sure that you are able to understand their problems, their frustrations, and offer valuable information before you pitch the sale. The good news is that you can also automate discovering online niche communities, so you don’t spend all day on social media.

Adding Value

If there is one thing that can kill your lead generation, it is constantly selling without providing value. It is important that you showcase your expertise before you would ask people to part with their hard earned money. You will be able to add value by providing content through your social media, your email marketing campaigns, or even your blog. You need to make people understand that whatever you are offering is exactly what they need.

Planning for Continuous Improvements

No matter what people say; there is no such thing as a set and forget lead generation and marketing system. You have to make continuous improvements to make the most out of your campaigns. In the digital age, trends and customer behavior change constantly, and this means that you will need to keep an eye on your competitors, your clients, and your target customers, and tailor your campaigns to their current needs.

Generating leads to a business is one of the greatest challenges of businesses big or small. If you want to implement an automated system, you will have to do your research and get to know your customers first.




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