The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Cybersecurity

The Entrepreneur's Guide To Cybersecurity

It’s easy to assume that cybercrime is only a threat to multinational corporations, but that simply isn’t the case. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is. If you collect or store data, have a website or social media accounts, or use a computer, you should prioritize cybersecurity. Did you know that by 2021, it is estimated that the global cost of cybercrime will reach $6 trillion? Take steps to protect your business, your customers, and your reputation. It’s time to take cybercrime seriously.

Backing Up Your Data

There are many ways of backing up your data. It doesn’t really matter which technique or platform you use, as long as you take action. Many businesses use cloud storage, but some traditional methods are still available. Figure out what works best for your business. If you have data backed up, this will minimize the impact of unexpected security breaches.

Seeking Expert Help

If you don’t have an in-house IT team, it’s well worth seeking expert advice. You may want to consider outsourcing this area of your business. Working with an IT firm like Single Point Global can provide you with access to round-the-clock support. It can also provide security expertise, which will protect your systems against phishing scams, malware, and viruses. Security experts can also analyze the systems and protocol you currently have in place and recommend ways of making them more safer.

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Providing Staff Training

If your staff work on computers on a daily basis, make them aware of the potential risks of cybercrime. Training sessions and workshops can highlight hazards, and demonstrate ways to make your workplace a more secure environment. If your employees know how to spot threats or suspicious behavior and respond to them, this will reduce the risk of a successful attack.

Policies and Procedures

If you manage a business, it’s a good idea to have policies and procedures in place to promote cybersecurity. This helps to minimize the risk of data or security breaches. Insist upon using passwords and changing them on a regular basis. In addition, make sure all devices are connected to a secure network. Every employee should be made aware of the policies as part of the induction process.

Updating Technology

The world of technology advances at lightning speed. If you have antivirus software that dates back to 2010, it’s unlikely to be equipped to deal with threats in 2018. Update your computers and the software you use on a regular basis and run antivirus checks daily.

Cybercrime can affect your finances, your relationship with customers and your reputation. Prevention is always better than a cure. If you don’t have an IT team, work with an agency with expertise in consulting and cybersecurity. Be sure to update your policies and protocol, and ensure your staff has access to relevant training programs. Update your computers and software, and make sure every employee uses a strong password to access your secure network.



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