The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Waste Management

The Entrepreneur's Guide To Waste Management FEATURED

The corporate environment has longed developed the idea that a no waste company is the only way to rule in business. However, until recently, the definition of waste at a business level used to be focused on negative cash flow and unnecessary expenses. It’s only in the last few years that the concept of environmental waste has made its way through the business strategy of most companies. The mission of waste management has since become a business priority for large and small companies. First, as a way to improve their brand reputation. And second, as a solution to actively reduce their environmental impact. Consequently, it’s fair to ask new entrepreneurs what their waste management strategy is for the years to come.

Think of the big picture

It’s easy to get stuck at an operative level when you consider the everyday activities of a company. Having a waste management strategy is typically not part of your short-term objectives. Your waste mission needs to be a long-term objective for your business. In other words, you need to spend less time focusing on details and think of the big picture instead. As an entrepreneur, it is easy to lose focus in the midst of activities. Find some time to think ahead to plan your environmental strategy as a whole.

What happens to your packaging?

America has one of the heaviest waste scales in the world. Every day, consumers and companies throw away tons of plastic packaging which can’t be recycled. It is often found endangering the wildlife at the bottom of the ocean. That’s because the packaging industry is so tightly connected to our impact on the planet. The UK government is willing to remove all plastic waste by 2042, something the U.S. should be matching. They plan to introduce smaller and more functional packaging solutions as well as remove unnecessary packaging. If you’re in the health field, you can follow their lead and work closely with a repackaged medications company to reduce packaging waste. For companies in the industrial sector, you can also find suppliers that offer to repackage items with space-saving and eco-friendly solutions.

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How much waste do you produce?

Offices can produce high levels of wastes simply through individual desk bins. Every day, paper, empty plastic bottles and other items are thrown away instead of recycled. You could help your team reduce the workplace waste by introducing shared recycling bins in addition to individual trash cans.

Are you saving energy?

For small business owners, the idea of energy saving strategies is appealing in theory. Many, however, fear the primary investment. In reality, you could choose to generate your own energy through solar panel installation, helping to reduce your energy waste. Something as simple as turning the lights off at night or switching out regular light bulbs for energy-saving LED light bulbs could also make a big difference.

Every business should consider developing a waste management strategy at some point. Think of the benefits to your company’s image and reputation, and more importantly, the goal of achieving an eco-friendly environment.

The Entrepreneur's Guide To Waste Management PINTEREST

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