3 Types Of Business Events You Might Consider Hosting

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As a business owner, you have probably attended many business events yourself. From trade shows to conferences, you will have seen the benefits of such events on both a marketing and networking basis. However, what about hosting your own business event? While it is a lot of work and expenses involved, the benefits might profit your business. Planning is key, of course. You don’t want to host an event that flops.  We have some advice here that should prove invaluable to you.

Training Events

Training is integral to the work you do, and to the work undertaken by your employees. The better skilled you all are, the more productive you will be, and that should be evident within your business profits. But rather than hold a training event in-house, you might open it up to other businesses in your area. They will benefit from the hard work you have put in by organizing the event, and you will have the opportunity to form good relationships with other business owners, and that could help you in the long-term. You might even take on the training yourself if you are skilled in a specific area, as this will improve your credibility in the business world, or you could hand over the reins to experts such as Jinhee Wilde who are skilled in public speaking.

Appreciation Events

This is your opportunity to show your appreciation to the people who matter to you. Be it your staff or your loyal clients and customers (or a mix of both), arrange an evening of food and entertainment as a thank you to those special people who have helped you grow your business. As a result, your staff will feel appreciated, and should then work harder for you. And your clients and customers will feel honored for the recognition you are showing them and should continue to bless your business. You will garner positive word of mouth too, and your profits should rise because of the appreciation others will show you.

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Charity Events

A charity event works in two ways. Firstly, and perhaps more importantly, you are hosting an event to raise money for a good cause. Ideally, this should be something that is important to your local community, as you are guaranteed to attract a lot of attendees. Money can be raised through ticket prices, as well as auctions and voluntary donations. Secondly, and a little less philanthropically, your business will receive positive attention. Your local community will look upon you favorably, and you will also gain media attention. As a marketing opportunity then, a charity event will serve you well, as well as benefiting the cause you are raising money for.


We have covered 3 types of business event, but there are more examples here. And while you could put the onus on yourself to organize them, you might also hire an event planner to make your life easier.




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