How To Improve Your Email Marketing For Entrepreneurs

How To Improve Your Email Marketing For Entrepreneurs

If you run a business at scale, then you know how important email marketing can be. The right email campaign can improve customer service, bring in new clients, and set your business apart as an authority. Every day, millions of emails end up in spam folders unopened and unread. Here are a few tips that will help your emails avoid the trap.

Why Is Email So Bad?

Understanding why your email sucks is the first step along the road to making it better. The problem is a network effect. As a business grows, it becomes more complicated. You start with a single product in a single market, and then you take on more people, sell more products, do business in more markets, growing the complexity of your operations exponentially. Somebody has to deal with all that complexity, and your staff must work together to try to solve problems that inevitably crop up.

The problem is that this complexity can be overwhelming. Getting everything working as it should is an enormous undertaking and complexity grows faster than your staff can accommodate. The result is inboxes stuffed with unread messages, lost productivity and general chaos.

It’s Not Convenient

Ideally, you want your staff to be able to access their emails wherever they happen to be, whether in the office, out in the field, or taking public transport between jobs. But some old-fashioned business email services don’t operate in the cloud but rather on dedicated servers only accessible from the head office. It’s a nightmare. say that the future of email is in the cloud. It’s a nightmare. Orchestrate Technologies say that the future of email is in the cloud. That’s true: with the cloud, your staff can access emails wherever they happen to be.

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It’s Not Secure

The majority of phishing attacks that businesses suffer come about because of poor security. Malicious actors are free to send anyone in your organization potentially dangerous email links and attachments which they can then use to get valuable information about your company’s computer network, such as passwords. The problem with most in-house email solutions is that they are not secure. It’s trivial for hackers to gain access to your network and start wreaking havoc.

Cloud-based systems are different. With the cloud, you can get regularly updated security protocols which actively block phishing attempts from untrusted third-parties. The cloud makes email more secure by helping you avoid exposing employees to phishing risk.

It’s Taking Time Away From Your Core Business Needs

Perhaps the most insidious aspect of email is that it is taking away from the core operations of your business. Employees spend most of their time trying to resolve issues via email rather than getting on with the work that’s in their job description.

There are tools that you can use to prevent this. Train staff to only cc relevant people into emails. Also, work with them on developing strategies to solve problems independently rather than immediately reaching out to others.




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