Savvy Entrepreneur Spotlight w/ Navare Carter, Intuitive Creative Agency

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Since his last Savvy Entrepreneur Spotlight in December 2017, Navare Carter has gained a significant amount of clarity regarding his growing business. As the Owner of Intuitive Creative Agency, Navare has been able to increase his brand awareness, cultivating relationships, being transparent in business. In his second Spotlight appearance, Navare shares what he has learned with the Savvy Entrepreneur Community.

The Golden Child

As he is affectionately known as “The Golden Child” in the Savvy Entrepreneur Community, Navare Carter wears his title proudly. When he joined Savvy back in December of 2017, his intense will to learn about business was immediately noticed. Having since quit his 9 to 5 only weeks prior to joining, Navare was set gaining as much knowledge as he could. And he attended every workshop, and participated feverishly in group conversations, the ultimate takeaway for Navare was “trusting the process”.

Since learning this concept, the Intuitive Creative Agency has been growing at a steady pace. As Navare puts it, “each day is a learning experience”, which is great advice for any new entrepreneur. The process that Navare was using to build awareness for his brand, helped his clients understand the value of the service he is offering.

Cultivating Relationships

Joining the Savvy Entrepreneur Community also helped Navare grow his confidence. He participates in numerous collaborative projects and often takes on guest speaking to increase his reach. Most recently, Navare was invited to speak at the Mavericks on the Move event in June, with fellow Savvy Entrepreneur member Brian Loebig. The event, sponsored by Jamilah Corbitt and “i am a brand”, focused on building awareness for your business using your unique presence.

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Navare is starting to see results and he’s been able to cultivate strong business relationships through his efforts. Networking has helped to open many doors for him.

Transparency in Business

One of the things that Navare is most proud of is his level of transparency about his business. Talking about his failures and struggles have helped people engage with him because they can relate to his story. He openly talks about how quitting his job was a scary time for him. However, he chose to take the risk because he’s young and he was passionate about his concept. While there were moments when Navare felt like he was being tested, he fought through them and kept moving forward. That’s when he began to open up and share his story.

Navare had to dig deep and think about his “why”, the real reason for starting his business. He wanted to inspire other people. “It felt right to be transparent and talk about what really goes into building a brand”, says Navare.

Overcoming Challenges

Navare feels like a living, breathing example of a growing entrepreneur. His biggest challenge thus far has been figuring out how to scale his business. “There is a difference between working in the business and working on the business…that is a huge mindset shift”, says Navare. Switching over from a freelancer to actually running the business is indeed a difficult hurdle to jump over for many new entrepreneurs.

The “in the business vs. on the business” is the difference between you doing the work, hands-on for someone else, versus working on the business and developing the vision and business strategy.

Final Thoughts

When asked if he’s been able to find that illustrious work/life balance, Navare has learned “there is no real balance…you know when you need a break or need to spend time with family”. Today, Navare doesn’t force himself to sit in his office. He has realized the importance of stepping away when needed, which is often a difficult lesson for most entrepreneurs to grasp.

In his final message, Navare talks about the individual journey of an entrepreneur. “Everyone’s journey is going to be different”, says Navare.

This is an ideology that is all too familiar in business, especially for entrepreneurs. Everyone’s journey will be different. However, that’s what being an entrepreneur is all about.

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