The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Improving Productivity

The Small Business Owner's Guide to Improving Productivity FEATURED

As a small business owner, I’m going to go out on a limb to say that you have too few hours in the day and too much to do – that’s pretty much the norm for entrepreneurs. That means that anything you can do to make the most of the time you have, and the time your employees spend at work is very important. So, you’re going to want to take a look at this quick guide to improving productivity as a small business owner:

Delegate the Non-Essential

As a small business owner, there are always going to be tasks that only you can do; those important tasks that require your input. However, there are many more tasks that you can easily hand off to employees or freelancers to ensure that you are being productive.  The hardest part is identifying those tasks that are essential for you to complete, and which ones employees will handle. Knowing this will give your business a major boost in the productivity stakes.

Prioritize Task

Once you’ve delegated tasks, you will need to prioritize the ones you have assigned to your team. Everyone should know which jobs are most critical and which can be left to another day if necessary. If urgent tasks are always put first, then you will automatically be more productive as a result.


Many entrepreneurs try to do three, four or even more tasks at the same time. They think that multitasking will make them more productive, but actually, the opposite is true. When you’re trying to do several things at once, you just end up doing each task more slowly, and most of the time you don’t do it as well either. Identify your most pressing task, work on that and that alone, and when you’ve finished move onto the next.

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Invest in Better Furniture

It might seem like a small thing, but really it isn’t. If you invest in better office furniture, which is more comfortable and more supportive of the body, you and your employees will feel more comfortable and get more done. Not only that, but ergonomic office furniture means fewer injuries, and that means fewer sick days and more productivity!

Keep Meetings Clear and Concise

If there’s one thing that can really slow small business productivity down, it’s meetings. Often long and rambling, the average meeting takes at least twice the amount of time it really needs to. So, if you must have a meeting, plan it so that you only discuss the points you really need to. Also, make sure that only the people who really need to be there are taken away from more important work.

Schedule Regular Breaks

Regular breaks, especially if they are active, help to maintain focus and renew the mind so you can work more consistently throughout the day.

Implement these solutions, and you and your team will soon be firing on all cylinders all the time!

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